Telling the Truth About Health, Fitness and Wellness Myths

Going far outside the norm in pursuit of health and looking fit still goes on today and probably always will, and this is where people get into trouble. But this is really not surprising given the plethora of advice that is flat out wrong or based on old tales. The fact is that not everybody can be prevented from following terrible advice that is plainly untrue, but you can save your self from this. Watch as we roll back the false information and clear the air on the following three items pertaining to health and fitness.

Not everybody wants to be huge when it comes to muscles, and so the myth is simply to lift less. The myth says that it is better to do a bunch of extra reps with lighter weights than fewer reps with heavier weights.

Now, this may be fine for men but concerning women, it is impossible for them to gain the mass like men can. There are so many excellent websites that will give you all the information you need to lift and gain weight.

You can find some variation about how much water you really have to take in on a daily basis, but forget about having to strictly drink so many ounces, etc. Actually, our needs on an individual basis will not be the same for many reasons. It is dangerous to advise some form of universal amount that applies to every single person. There are some general guidelines you can follow, and then you have to think about what you do each day. It is not needed to drink water if you are not 100% thirsty, it won't hurt generally speaking but all things in moderation.

You may find it ultimately to be not true that weight loss efforts will be smoother and more effective by getting rid of gluten in your diet. What is so hilarious about this is the one thing that makes you gain weight is more calories coming in than get burned up through activity. If you have some other medically related reason for not eating gluten, then by all means do not eat it - this is just about the argument regarding weight loss.

The biggest clue with losing weight is being active, and how earth shattering is that? People are just lazy, and that's about it. Then of course we have to tell you to consult with your doctor, and that is fine if you are really not sure.

If you have fallen for some of the myths in health and fitness, then simply join the club and do not worry about it. Decide that you will not become just another stupid statistic, and you have to take control and make things happen for your self. When you assume control in your life, then you will become reborn and there is nothing like it.